“Our home here may not be as cheery as the one in Norway, but we need not to think about that because there are many good men assembled here for some fun, and so let us enjoy ourselves as far as our resources allow.”

This wisdom is uttered by Ingimund Thorsteinsson to a morose crew during hard times.

They are far from the comforts of home, their provisions are low, winter is coming, and there is much work to be done.

But Ingimund looks around and sees that he is surrounded not by fair-weather friends, but by those who are hearty, if not in body, hearty in spirit. People who had the grit to take the hazardous voyage and test their mettle.

He knows that those who remain, are the ones he can turn to when times turn tough.

Ingimund is no “affirmation-spewing” Pollyanna. He does not issue pats on the back and say “There, there, all will be well, Providence will provide.”

Ingimund is a realist. He recognizes that the new digs are not quite as cheery as they once were. He does not pretend things are not as they are.

But..he is a pragmatist. Yes, the abode, whether physical or mental or circumstantial, may not be as cheery as we are used to, or as we would like, but…he looks around at what he does have. The Good Men and Woman that remain, the resources at hand and says let us make of it what we may and do so with good cheer.

Dwelling on a change in circumstances will do little in the way of improving those same circumstances.

It is wiser to follow Ingimund’s way. Surround yourself with Good Men & Good Women. Assemble them for some fun. Celebrate and enjoy as your resources allow and by all means use that assembled good cheer to rouse you on to improving and changing the circumstances at hand.

Good Men and Women of stout and cheery character assembled in tough times, people that one can count on to hearten us to be stronger in efforts to come.

All the better if they hearten us with glad spirits, when we need to lean they provide the shoulder. When they need to lean, we provide ours.

Ingimund chose his crew well, may we all be as fortunate.

"Heimilið okkar hér getur ekki verið eins og fyndið en í Noregi, en við þurfum ekki að hugsa um það vegna þess að margir góðir menn eru saman hér til skemmtunar og svo notum við okkur eins langt og auðlindir okkar leyfa."

“Our home here may not be as cheery as the one in Norway, but we need not to think about that because there are many good men assembled here for some fun, and so let us enjoy ourselves as far as our resources allow.”
