“You’re the kind of man who places greater value on a lesser duty.”

“You’re the kind of man who places greater value on a lesser duty.” NJAL’S SAGA, CH. 129


This rebuke uttered by Skarphedin Njalsson to Grani Gunnarsson is meant to shame him.

The rebuke is to remind us to put first things first.

First things foremost.

If [if] there is time AFTER attending to what we proclaim as our first principles we can divert to ancillary activity but…Skarphedin urges us to place value on the greater duty.

We often hear whines of “there are not enough hours in the day,” or “time enough to do what must be done.”

We may indeed be busy, but we must also admit to ourselves that whatever duty we are excusing ourselves from with those rationalizations, those same target goals and principles have been performed in the past and in the present and often by people “more busy” than ourselves.

Anything that has been done or will be done has been done by those who placed priority on the task at hand.

What are our priorities? Our first principles?

They are not the sweet words we say to flatter ourselves.

They are not the golden dreams we stick to the fridge with a magnet.

They are not the “bold” post on Facebook that never sees the follow-thru.

The “Bad Bitch” shirt and “Warrior!” tatt signify nothing on lounging characters.

Our priorities and principles are only evidenced by our actions, by what we do.

Are our own first principles to be world-champion binge-watchers?

To be make it to the Regionals in YouTube watching, recipe-sharing, videogame playing, emoji-keying, font-choosing, and political fist-thumping?

Or are they to be shipshape, squared away, strong, useful, kind, compassionate, bold, engaged human beings?

Are our first principles to text or to be in this world?

To drink up all the life we can, or to run out the clock with “lesser duties.”?

YOU LIVE YOUR FIRST PRINCIPLES-- what you do day-in and day-out is what you consider to be your greater duty.

What “Greater Duty” do your actions demonstrate?

"Vertu djörf og faðmaðu meiri skylda þinn, farðu minni skyldur til minniháttar sálna."

“Be bold and embrace your greater duty, leave lesser duties to minor souls.”
