“I just want to kill a man before I hit the ground.”
Wow! That’s a little aggressive, huh?
Let’s put it in context and then switch it up for our civilized days.
When Gunnar Hlifarson and his men are under attack and vastly
outnumbered, he sees the inevitable defeat, but rather than quiver and quail he
utters that gorgeous line.
Even if we are not outnumbered and outgunned we can take Gunnar’s
wisdom to heart, make your goals, your dreams, conquering your fears, your
bucket list items your quarry.
No one gets out of this life alive, so look at all of these “men” on
your bucket lists, your “skeered to do” backburners and get out there and kill
some men before you hit the ground.
Live your life in such a way so that tomorrow you could hold this
conversation with your doctor.
DOCTOR: Mr. Hatmaker, I’m afraid you only have six months to live.
ME/YOU: Can you cut it to three I’ve already done everything I wanted
to do.
Sure, we’ll always want to do more, but honest assessment time, answer
this right now—Have you done enough? Are you doing anything about it?
vil bara drepa mann áður en ég lenti á jörðu.
“I just want to kill a man
before I hit the ground.”
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